Senator Lidia Thorpe has slammed the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, accusing him of breaking an election promise for a Makarrata Truth-Telling Commission, and of gaslighting the nation by claiming Labor had never proposed a formal commission for truth telling.
Albanese has on several occasions committed to a formal commission for truth-telling and treaty, including in parliament.
On August 5 2021, in a speech to Parliament on Closing the Gap, Albanese said that, “as a priority, Labor will establish a Makarrata Commission, with responsibility for truth-telling and treaty”, and he explained that “the commission will facilitate local truth-telling and advise on a national framework for treaty making”.
He made similar remarks on the 14th of February 2022, in a speech commemorating the national apology to the stolen generations.
The Prime Minister's own website still hosts a press release from 2021 that clearly states: “an Albanese Labor Government will establish a Makarrata Commission as a priority.”
Despite these earlier commitments, on Sunday, Albanese told ABC Insiders Host David Speers that a truth and justice commission was "not what we have proposed, what we have proposed is Makarrata just being the idea of coming together”.
Thorpe says a Truth and Justice Commission and a national Treaty process are needed, and that Albanese should clearly recommit to the policy.
Quotes attributable to Lidia Thorpe, Gunnai, Gunditjmara and Djab Wurrung independent Victorian Senator:
“This is such blatant gaslighting from the Prime Minister.”
“There are clear records that Labor was proposing a formal Makarrata commission, not just some wishy-washy idea. They even committed money to it in the budget.”
“It’s bizarre and arrogant that Albanese thinks he can get away with this lie.”
“It’s condescending to everyone who believed in this government’s promises, which they are now clearly breaking.”
“We’ve also seen the new Indigenous Australians minister in damage control this week, but in interviews she has also refused to answer the question straight on whether Labor is committed to an actual commission as they promised.”
“It’s the latest example of the dishonest double-speak we’ve become so used to with Labor.”
“Albanese and Minister McCarthy are trying to make Makarrata supporters believe a commission is still on the cards, while signalling to Dutton supporters that Labor aren’t really committed.”
“They must stop stringing people along and clearly recommit to a truth-telling commission.”
“Treaty and Truth is what this country needs to mature as a nation.”
“It’s the only way to bring peace to First Peoples and the rest of the population.”
“This makes me hope that Labor will be pushed into minority government after the next election. That will be a good thing for this nation. A stronger crossbench will help us hold Labor to account and end the arrogant approach to governing we keep seeing from both major parties. It will mean we can start making some actual progress on the things that matter.”
“People should remember that this government voted against implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and that they still refuse to implement the recommendations of the 1991 Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.”
“Child removal and incarceration of our people have gone up under Labor, and their closing the gap plan has failed.”
“This is just the latest broken promise to First Peoples from a long line of Labor Prime Ministers."